- #Abstract
- #Aesthetic
- #Biophilic/Biocentric
- #Conceptual
- #Contemporary
- #Culture
- #Death
- #Drawing
- #Ecology
- #Emergency
- #Emotion
- #Ephemeral
- #Experimental
- #Fragment
- #Healing
- #History
- #Identity
- #Imagination
- #Immigrants
- #Interactive
- #Maps
- #Material
- #Material Practice
- #Mixed Media
- #Multidisciplinary
- #Mystery
- #Nature
- #Object
- #Practice-based
- #Printmaking
- #Reflection
- #Relationships
- #Research
- #Series
- #Visual Development
Dependent Arising
Yuan Wen
Dependent Arising reveals the observation and reflection of the ignorant life, which is a core concept of Buddhist practice. According to the ancient explanation, there are twelve links in a chain of existence or causation, identifying the origin of suffering and ignorance. They are ignorance, conception, consciousness, name and form, six sense, contact, sensation, desire, grasping, existing, birth, and death. Through visual practice, this series of works explore forming of life in ideological and biomorphic expression. Along with the textural mapping procedure, the automatic drawing develops in the chaotic and mutual relationships with various elements intertwining in the interior and exterior space. While the process is going, the questions are arising. How does thought emerge? Where is the direction? Why are they entangling? Do we aware that our existence is a process of the infinite flow of thoughts?
Dependent Arising I
Intaglio Print, Copper Etching, Monotype, Drawing
30″x 22″
Dependent Arising II
Intaglio Print, Copper Etching, Monotype, Drawing
30″x 22″
Dependent Arising III
Intaglio Print, Copper Etching, Monotype, Drawing
30″x 22″
Dependent Arising IV
Intaglio Print, Copper Etching, Monotype, Drawing
30″x 22″
Dependent Arising V
Intaglio Print, Copper Etching, Monotype, Drawing
30″x 22″
Dependent Arising I, II, III, IV, V (click an image to view at full size)
Artist Statement
My practice focuses on printmaking and drawing. Derived from a sense of Asian art, I attempt to increase the natural and artificial dynamic by combining various traditional elements and investigating the duality that develops through different interpretations. Through exploring the techniques of print media, I appreciate the graphic quality of the medium that can lend itself to dramatic contrasts and angular shapes of subjects. The cross-cultural experience and the obsessions with ancient art are my great passion throughout my practice. Within the awareness of being a part of the diversity, my work opens the interpretation to viewers by not showing the completed structure, which tries to develop a form that does not follow specific models but is based only on subjective relations. The process of making always inspires me to move forward, and each new experiment passes through my following work to keep examining a new language of eastern concepts in a western community, which leads me constantly work on the possibilities of contemporary print.