
Damian Oriak & Ana Lawrence

See it On Campus: Level 2

Visitor Info

2nd floor near the stairwell next to carolina st exit.


Siembra is a project that responds to industrial agriculture by designing a system purposefully promoting seed diversity. It is a community urban agriculture proposal that uses aquaponics to promote food resiliency

Understanding our system

Communal Aquaponics

Our aquaponic system aims to reflect and promote genetic plant diversity. Through designing with bean varieties in mind, Siembra begins to tell a story around creating spaces for plant varieties. We built this system with the focus on beans but it can also act as a vessel to grow many other types of food as well. Siembra is a proposal for an alternative model of community urban agriculture, what happens when we choose to value alternative values of food production within the city?

Every Seed Has a Story

Aquaponics at its simplest form, is the cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculating environment, in other words aquaponics is the cultivation of fish and plants together in a constructed, recirculating ecosystem utilizing natural bacterial cycles to convert fish waste to plant nutrition.

Deep Water Culture

we chose to use a deep water Aquaponics system for this model, as it limited the amount of points of failure, if there were any issues in the pump water flows, the fish would always retain water, so it had the ability to fail without having a leakage or killing the fish.

Damian Oriak & Ana Lawrence

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Ana Maria Lawrence Freyte
Colombian Canadian multidisciplinary designer. Residing on the unceded territories of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam nations.
Her design practice is centered on playful, experimental, community driven and research lead. Very interested in exploring inclusive and approachable design. She believes design can and should bring voice to different perspectives and cultures aside from the western culture.

Damian Oriak
A multidisciplinary designer and researcher residing on the unceded territories of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam nations, with a background in Industrial, graphic and digital product design.
Interested in the intersectionality of physical and digital product experiences to facilitate community ressilience.